• The Basics of Filing a Birth Injury Claim

    The idea that a birth injury left you or your child seriously harmed can leave you feeling at a loss when deciding what to do. Do you hire a birth injury lawyer and sue? Who should you pursue action against? How does the process even work? Here are the basics you need to know about filing a birth injury claim. There Most Likely Won't Be a Lawsuit Doctors and medical organizations typically carry insurance coverage, and their policies are in place to ensure that a claim can be paid out when something terrible does happen.
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  • How Using Mouthwash Before a Job Interview May Threaten Your DUI Probation

    Several months ago, you had issues with alcohol that resulted in a DUI arrest and probation. Ever since then, you've been sober and are on your way to a new job interview. However, you cleaned your gums with mouthwash before you left in order to improve your breath. Unfortunately, you could be in a position to break probation by accident if you get pulled over. Mouthwash Can Trigger a Failed Breathalyzer
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