3 Reasons Not To Listen To Others After A Multi-Car Pileup
Posted on: 3 July 2018
One of the many types of car accidents that you may have the misfortune of finding yourself in is a multi-car pileup. There are many scenarios that you can face in this type of accident. Your car could have some minor dents if you weren't in the middle of the accident, or it could be completely damaged. Unlike a two-car accident in which it's commonly easy to determine which driver was at fault, it can often be unclear what caused a multi-car pileup — and even the responding police officers may have trouble getting to the bottom of what happened. Many drivers who are involved in such accidents think about pursuing legal action. If this is on your mind, here are three reasons not to listen to other drivers as everyone gathers to talk about the accident.
1. Their Comments May Incorrectly Influence You
People often have difficulty knowing exactly what caused car accidents, and this is especially true in the case of accidents that involve a number of different vehicles. One person may have an incorrect idea, and he or she could begin telling this story to anyone who will listen. Pretty soon, you may feel convinced in his or her version of the incident, which may not be in alignment with what you believe happened. You don't want to get influenced by someone who is incorrect, as this could impact how you approach taking legal action.
2. You'll Give The Police Another Viewpoint
If you listen to what others are saying and adopt their story, you'll likely relay it verbatim to the responding officer who is tasked with writing the accident report. When everyone says the same thing, the police may not be compelled to thoroughly investigate the scene to determine who was at fault. When you stay away from the other drivers and give the officer your own version of what you can recall, it may be contradictory to what he or she is hearing. This could compel the officer to begin an investigation that leads to revealing who caused the accident — and thus identifying who can be the target of your legal action.
3. The Blame Could Point At You
It's also possible that someone thinks that you caused the multi-car accident. This might not be true, but if a couple of people begin to point fingers, you may start to feel doubt. Someone who believes that he or she was responsible for such a large-scale incident will not likely pursue legal action. This misinformation could potentially scare you away from getting justice in the form of being properly compensated for the accident if you weren't to blame. When you don't listen to others, they can't instill this doubt in you.
For more information, contact your car accident attorney.