Harmful Workouts And Taking Legal Action
It's easy to imagine an injury while trying to get fit. Muscle pulls, strains, falls, and other physical maladies can strike athletes of all levels at any time. Unfortunately, those trying to improve their health by working out can also fall victim to work out conditions in their local fitness facility as well. Some of those injuries might be due to the negligence of the facility and you might be entitled to be paid monetary compensation.
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What to Do When a Defendant Appears Judgment-Proof
When you sue a defendant directly for compensation for damages related to an auto accident, it's always a toss-up whether you'll actually be able to collect the compensation after you win. When defendants don't pay, oftentimes it's because they are indigent, meaning they have no money or assets you can confiscate to satisfy the judgment. At least, that's how it may appear on the surface. Here are a couple of things you can do if you're in a situation where the defendant in your case appears to be too poor to pay.
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When Can A Pedestrian Be Held Liable For An Automobile Accident?
It's no secret that pedestrians are especially vulnerable in any accident involving a motor vehicle. According to the most recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 4,735 pedestrians lost their lives in traffic crashes and another 150,000 faced emergency treatment for non-fatal crash-related injuries in 2013. In any accident involving a motor vehicle and a pedestrian, conventional wisdom dictates that the automobile driver is fully responsible for the accident.
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What You Need To Know About Your Marijuana Possession Charge In Virginia
If you've recently been charged with possession of marijuana in the state of Virginia, it's not always a simple, clear-cut case. How you will be convicted and sentenced—if at all—depends on a number of factors. A criminal defense attorney can help with your case, and they will need to know a few details, from whether or not this is a first offense all the way to where the marijuana was found.
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Tips For Completing An Offer In Compromise To Settle Your Tax Debt
Paying off old tax debt is important if you want to get the IRS off your back, and you may be able to do this with an offer in compromise (OIC). An OIC is a plan created by the IRS to help people settle tax debts for an amount that is less than what is actually owed. In order for you to do this, you must make sure you meet the qualifications, and you must follow the right steps.
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4 Types Of Personal Injury You Can Sue For
Have you received an injury due to someone else's negligent behavior, either due to their actions or because their property was not maintained in a proper order? If this is the case, you have the chance to suit under the rubric of a small claims court case called a personal injury suit. A personal injury suit aims to make a person or other entity legally liable for the expenses that you have incurred due to the injury.
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Stuck In The Middle With You: Establishing Liability In Multi-Car Accidents
Determining who's liable in an accident involving only two cars tends to be fairly straightforward. However, things become considerably more complex when you're involved in a 5-car pileup. Here are the different issues you will encounter when establishing liability in a multi-car accident and getting compensated for your losses. Type of Accident The type of accident and where you're positioned in it can mean the difference between collecting money for medical expenses and being on the receiving end of insurance claims and lawsuits.
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Can You Be Liable For An Auto Accident Caused By Your Child?
When your teenager first gets his or her driver's license and begins making trips alone, you may be worried about an accident. Your primary concern is your teen's safety -- financial and legal considerations are far from the priority when it comes to your teen's well-being. However, even if your teen is unharmed in an accident, you may find yourself legally responsible for any medical bills or other obligations incurred. Read on to learn more about this area of law and how you can legally protect yourself (and your teen) in case of a car crash.
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Five Tips For Preventing And Reacting To Youth Sports Injuries
When scientists looked at the brains of 42 former NFL players, they discovered that the players who started playing the game before the age of 12 had the highest risks of neurological impairment. This announcement has made many parents leery of letting their youngsters play football, but it should serve as a warning for parents of all sports players. If your child gets hurt while playing youth sports, it could have lifelong consequences.
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What Happens If Your Gestational Surrogate Changes Her Mind?
If you've chosen to expand your family by using a gestational surrogate, congratulations! Your life is about to change in many wonderful ways. However, this method of reproduction is not without some legal risk -- and unfortunately, state laws governing these situations have often not caught up with the real needs of surrogates and the other participants in this process. Read on to learn more info about what may happen if the surrogate you choose decides to keep the baby or disobeys your instructions regarding the baby's needs.
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