Amazing Reasons You May Be Charged With DUI Without Even Taking a Drink

Posted on: 9 December 2016
If you have been arrested for DUI based on a police officer's observation and interpretation of a breathalyzer test despite the fact that you did not consume alcohol before driving, you are probably wondering how this could happen to you. There are legitimate medical reasons that you may appear intoxicated and a number of products that can cause a false positive in a breathalyzer test. If any of them apply to you, your DUI attorney may be able to get the charges dismissed.
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What You Need To Know About Your Marijuana Possession Charge In Virginia

Posted on: 9 August 2016
If you've recently been charged with possession of marijuana in the state of Virginia, it's not always a simple, clear-cut case. How you will be convicted and sentenced—if at all—depends on a number of factors. A criminal defense attorney can help with your case, and they will need to know a few details, from whether or not this is a first offense all the way to where the marijuana was found.
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How Is A Personal Injury Settlement Distributed?

Posted on: 9 August 2016
If you are involved in a personal injury lawsuit and are expecting the court to award you with a large settlement amount, you may be wondering how much of this money you will actually receive. It can take years for a case to settle, and it can take months afterwards for you to collect the money you were awarded for your damages and injuries. As your case comes to a close, here are a few things you should understand about the way your lawyer will distribute your settlement proceeds.
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Long-Time Military Marriages: Understanding Your Rights As A Spouse

Posted on: 10 June 2016
When marrying someone in the military, you get to enjoy the same benefits as your spouse. When these benefits have expanded beyond 20 years, it can be an extremely hard transition back to civilian life. As you go through a divorce, it's important to understand the rights that you have. In a long-term marriage, there are many granted rights and privileges. By working with a military divorce attorney, you can ensure that you are granted these rights and not left with nothing after the divorce has ended.
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