3 Reasons Your Divorce Attorney May Recommend Hiring A Private Investigator

Posted on: 20 September 2022
When filing for divorce, you may be surprised to hear your attorney recommend that you hire a private investigator. However, private investigators have proven very beneficial in many divorce cases. Continue reading below to learn more about some of the ways in which these investigators may be able to prove beneficial in your divorce case as well.   #1: Dealing With Issues Of Fault  Nowadays, many people simply file for a no-fault divorce.
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Why You Might Need A Special Education Lawyer

Posted on: 23 August 2022
If you have a child with special needs and they are in the public school system, you will need to work with the staff there in order to come up with a specialized educational plan for them. However, things do not always go according to plan and you might need to have a lawyer step in to help you. Remember, you are your child's main advocate. They need you to help make sure that they are getting their needs met while also getting a proper education based on their learning level and personal abilities.
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How To Make Your Divorce More Private

Posted on: 26 July 2022
Court proceedings are public and anyone can have access to them. Therefore, defending your privacy can be difficult in some cases. However, there are some ways in which you can make your divorce proceedings much more private. It's important to discuss with a divorce lawyer what your options are. Having Your Divorce Records Sealed One way to ensure that your divorce is private is to file divorce records under seal. The judge will be allowed to decide whether they want the divorce records to remain private.
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Should You Sue Your Employer When You're Injured At Work?

Posted on: 29 June 2022
Some employers are unfortunately reckless. They place greater and greater demands on you and don't take into consideration how your work activities can lead to you becoming injured. If you become injured as a result of the negligence of your employer, you might wonder if you can sue your employer. How a Workers' Compensation Claim Usually Works After you have become injured at work, you will usually be expected to file a workers' compensation claim.
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