
  • 3 Reasons To Talk To A Personal Injury Lawyer After An Accident

    If you were in a car accident and now have permanent injuries from it, have you talked to a personal injury lawyer about it? If you haven't, why not? When accidents happen, injuries often occur, and the innocent victims in these accidents have rights to seek compensation for their injuries. If you are not sure whether you should talk to a lawyer, here are three good reasons you should consider contacting a personal injury lawyer.
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  • Five Things That May Constitute A Custody Evaluation

    A custody evaluation process is an independent assessment of your family setup and your child's needs to determine the custody determination would suit the child best. The custody evaluation is handled by a court-appointed custody evaluator, and it involves different things such as the following five: Interviews with the Child There are two main reasons for interviewing the child at the center of the custody battle. First, if the child is old enough, it's useful to get their opinion on the issue.
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  • 3 Legal Tips To Consider After A Severe Auto Accident

    Auto accidents are stressful for anyone to experience, especially if they resulted in severe injuries. You shouldn't be held accountable for the resulting medical bills if you were not responsible. To get through this stressful time and get the compensation you may desperately need, consider these legal tips.  Never Admit Fault  After such a traumatic experience, you may want to share relevant details about what unfolded as a form of therapy.
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  • Keep Internet Mobs From Appearing On Your Doorstep With These Three Tips

    The internet has made it easier for people to start businesses and find customers to pay for their goods and services. Unfortunately, it has also made it easier for bad actors to locate personal information on those business owners and use it to extract vigilante justice. In today's highly politicized atmosphere, one wrong word could result in you being doxxed and subjected to the associated consequences, so here are three tips for protecting your personal information from internet mobs.
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  • Injured On The Job? 4 Issues That Can Jeopardize Your Workers Compensation Claim

    If you've been injured on the job, you have the right to workers compensation benefits. Workers compensation provides cash payments while you're out of work and also provides for your medical care. In order to receive workers compensation, however, it's important that you follow the required guidelines. If you don't, you run the risk of having your claim denied. If that happens, you may not receive the benefits you're entitled to.
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  • Three Things You Need To Do If You're At Fault In An Automobile Accident

    When driving, all it takes is one small mistake to cause an auto accident. If you know that you are at fault or partially at fault for a vehicular incident, there are certain things that you should and shouldn't do. Check out these guidelines for guidance as to how you should conduct yourself after a wreck you that is your fault. 1. Keep Conversation to a Minimum If you know your actions caused the accident, you may be tempted to apologize to the other driver for causing the accident.
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  • How To Prevent Your Smoking From Affecting Your Child Custody Chances

    If you smoke cigarettes and you are gearing up for child custody battle, then expect the court to take your smoking habit into consideration due to the custody determination. However, this doesn't mean that you will automatically lose custody due to your smoking habit. For example, the court may find that your smoking doesn't affect your child's well-being if: You Don't Smoke In the Car When the Kid Is There   
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  • Get Personal With Your Personal Injury Attorney: Four Things To Share

    If you have been involved in a personal injury and are looking to pursue legal action, you are probably going to want to hire a personal injury attorney. The first step in this process is to visit an attorney for a consultation. It's during this time that you need to actually get personal with your personal injury attorney. Here are four things you must share with them: Prior Illness: First thing you want to do is let your personal injury attorney know if you have had any previous injuries that can possibly be used against you in your case.
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  • Is A Limited Or General Power Of Attorney Right For You?

    During your estate planning, you will have to decide which documents are necessary in helping your executor and other trusted agents make decisions about your financial and personal matters. One of those documents is a power of attorney. There are several types of powers of attorney, but most people must choose between a limited or general. If you are unsure which is for you, here is what you need to know.
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  • 4 Things You Can Do To Help Your Disability Claim

    If you've been hurt and can't work any longer, you may want to file a claim for disability. This is the first step in being able to receive any monthly payment. There are certain things you should do that can work to make your case a much stronger one and knowing what these can be helpful if you're in this situation: See a doctor Of course, taking time to get a professional opinion on your situation is important.
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